General result

Aaron Gilbee

Independent Researcher
Other | Free

World problems are becoming more complex, and as a result, there is a need for guided methodologies to tackle these through facilitation. This project contains 10 tools that were identified and described for the initial development of a facilitator’s toolkit for problems related to sustainable development. A literature review that identified common perspectives and a thinking pattern associated with sustainable development. Of the perspectives identified with sustainable development, a natural ecological perspective was taken and guided the toolkit development. Implications from this project demonstrated that the approaches found within the readings aligned with the Creative Problem Solving Thinking Skills Model (Puccio, et al. 2007) and as a potential to be an organizational framework for tools to address sustainable development.

As the author of this project, I recognized that the material is basic. If interest exists to improve upon this, please contact Aaron at . He is interested in developing it further. Since completing this project, he has attained a MS Industrial Engineering and has furthered his thinking in this area.


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