Complete this questionnaire to estimate / calculate your CO2 emissions.
Do either a quick estimation (no bills needed) or a more accurate calculation of the CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions that you are responsible for, as an individual, over a 12 month period.
In section 1, you enter household data, so that items such as household heating and car use are shared between the members of your household.
In section 2, you enter personal lifestyle and travel choices that apply to you as an individual.
Do either a quick estimation (no bills needed) or a more accurate calculation of the CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions that you are responsible for, as an individual, over a 12 month period.
In section 1, you enter household data, so that items such as household heating and car use are shared between the members of your household.
In section 2, you enter personal lifestyle and travel choices that apply to you as an individual.
Resource Details
Includes Energy Consumption | Yes |
Includes Transportation | Yes |
Includes Food & Diet | Yes |
Includes Tips for Lowering Footprint | Yes |
Includes Waste | Yes |