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C40 Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Cities Interactive Dashboard

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C40 is proud to release a first-of-its kind dashboard allowing deeper exploration of the historical greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data of C40 cities reported in line with the Global Protocol for Community-scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC).

Launched in December 2014, the GPC is the international best practice standard for city-level GHG emissions inventories. Consistent with IPCC Guidelines, it allows for credible comparison and aggregation across timescales and geographies. The GPC is the result of a collaborative effort between C40, the World Resources Institute and ICLEI.

The C40 GPC dashboard includes six tabs:

  1. World GPC Map: shows BASIC* GHG emissions for C40 cities by the three key sectors: stationary energy, transportation and waste.
  2. Emissions Explorer – City Trends and Targets: enables users to explore historical emissions for an individual city. Users can also explore net emissions (where data is available) and city-wide targets.
  3. Emissions Explorer – City Comparisons: displays GHG emissions profiles for C40 cities, based on the latest available inventory year, enabling in-depth comparisons through multiple views and filters (e.g. type of emissions, inventory level, city characteristics).
  4. City Overview: displays a detailed data table summarising an individual city's emissions profile in a specific year.
  5. City Emissions Heatmap: uses the most recently reported city GHG emissions to provide insight into each sub-sector and scope for GPC BASIC activities.
  6. Data Quality Heatmap: enables users to view how city-reported data quality varies across GPC sub-sector and scope. Users can explore data quality for activity data, emission factors or an overall score.


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